Wednesday, September 30, 2009

An Organic Gardening How To - Pest Controls from Behind the Kitchen Cabinet

For those that are into organic gardening how to, you'll be amazed at those things you have behind your kitchen cabinets that that will help to control garden pests. But, a word of caution. Many of these suggestions are intended to be sprayed onto your plants. Avoid doing this through the heat of the day. The sun can heat up liquids very quickly and cause brown spots on the leaves of your plants.

In addition to the ideas and recipes listed below, try variations of these. For example, try different herbal mixtures such as using mint, clover, rosemary, tansy, or even tomato. The smells from these different combination's can confuse pests in search of their favorite plants.

Many garden pests dislike the smell and taste of soap. Spraying your garden with a soapy solution can be a deterrent to these pests. Be careful, however. Many kitchen soaps have chemicals that you do not want in your organic garden. If you are unsure, use an insecticidal soap. Insecticidal soaps do not have this problem.

Snail Traps and Orange Rinds
Snail's love orange rinds and if you have a snail problem, try the following. In the early evening, take some orange rinds and group them in a small area of your garden. The orange rinds will attract snails. The next morning, go to your garden and collect the snails. Place the snails in a bucket of soapy water.

Aphids and Citrus Spray
Grate the rind from two lemons or two sour oranges and place in one quart of water. Mix thoroughly and let it sit overnight. Strain this solution using a coffee filter or cheesecloth. Dilute this mixture with another quart of water and spray the mixture on your plants. If the water tends to bead up, you can add two drops of insecticidal soap and the solution will spread more evenly. An easy organic gardening how to fix!

Rabbits and Hot Tea
This solution will deter rabbits, but also squirrels, flea beetles and a number of other garden pests. Crush one whole garlic clove and place it in a quart of warm water. Add 3 chopped red peppers or 1 tablespoon of hot red pepper flakes. Stir and let the mixture sit for a week. Strain this solution using cheesecloth or a coffee filter. Pour 1/2 pint of this hot tea into your garden sprayer and dilute with one pint of water and 3 drops of insecticidal soap. Spray evenly over your plants.

Household Pets Stay Away
Do you have a problem with your dog or cat digging in your garden? If so, mix one quart of water, with one cup of vinegar, and two tablespoons of chile paste (sold in Asian markets). Mix completely and sprinkle the ground in your garden with the mixture. Problem solved.

Mildew Cocktail
This recipe will help control powdery mildew, rose blackspot, whiteflies, mealy bugs, and aphids. Use this solution before these pests become a problem and do not use over once per week. Combine 1 gallon of water with 3 tablespoons of baking soda, 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, and 1 tablespoon insecticidal soap. Mix and apply with your pressure sprayer.

These are only a few of the ideas that you can learn if you are into organic gardening. If you are new to organic gardening or if you would like to learn more, try one of these two terrific ebooks - Organic Gardening Magic and My Organic Food Garden. Or, try them both! Both are guaranteed or your money back up to 60 days. No questions asked. They will help you with your Organic Gardening How To.